One-on-one coaching
One-on-one coaching is designed to provide each client the opportunity to engage in the deep personal work necessary to grow, heal, and evolve and step into their fullest potential in ways that are specific to each client. I center the work using an embodied approach and primarily work with self-identified white women in varying leadership and movement building roles.
One-on-One coaching is a collaborative and accountable relationship that will support personal transformation. I will guide you to align your values and stated commitments with your daily actions and will intentionally push you to find your growing edge tapping into courage and expansion. We will honor history while placing emphasis on the now and how we move forward.
Step into your full potential
With one-on-one coaching, you will be able to:
- Develop and grow self-reflective practices to strengthen your leadership
- Identify and name what we have internalized that upholds and maintains whiteness
- Identify, examine and breathe into the trauma we hold within our bodies and explore how that impacts our beliefs, values and behaviors
- Grow in understanding and take action for personal and collective accountability, amending and repairing and fostering a thriving, inclusive, and healthy work culture and family unit that is life-giving
- Identify new skills, tools, solutions and strategies to enhance your movement-building and leadership capacity
- Engage in liberatory practices to connect, heal, rejuvenate, restore and continue growth
- Build a personal practice to care for and honor your well-being and sustain your spirit
One-on-one coaching is an intentional 9 month journey based on years of experience and best practices to ensure meaningful and sustainable transformational change. Through this process we will identify specific goals that will support personal and professional growth and ensure time for the integration and application of new discoveries, new learning and new practices. Sessions are 60 minutes each and virtual.
The coaching flow is:
- Weekly sessions for the first 6 weeks
- Months 2.5-6 we move to bi-weekly
- Months 6-9 we move to monthly
In addition you will receive Five 20 minute flash calls, access to email correspondence and with each session follow-up reflections, resources and tools for ongoing integration and application between each session. Each client will complete this coaching experience with a leadership accountability plan.
Customized one-on-one Executive Coaching is available
Book a Discovery Call today
Group coaching
Group coaching provides an opportunity to be part of a collective experience and to engage in deep and intentional learning and healing in community. Together we create a holding environment that fosters and encourages cross-pollination of ideas and collective responses to address white supremacy and white body trauma. We also strengthen our commitments and abilities in our varying movement-building and leadership roles to effectively and sustainably work towards a more liberated and transformed world.
I offer group coaching for organizations, companies, institutions, and other groups (formal or informal) that are seeking to advance diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and racial equity. This customized offering is done through a collaborative process to ensure we meet specific needs and are aligned with your mission, vision, values, and strategic direction.
Expand your capacity
Through group coaching, participants build capacity to:
- Identify and name what we have internalized that upholds and maintains whiteness
- Identify how racism shows up and impacts our daily decisions and leadership professional practices
- Identify, examine and breathe into the trauma we hold within our bodies and explore how that impacts our beliefs, values and behaviors
- Name how our hidden commitments thwart the advancement of our commitments to advancing DEI or racial equity
- Identify how our decisions and actions cause harm in the workplace and
- Engage in a collaborative process to advance racial equity and to heal from white body trauma
- Identify new skills, tools, solutions and strategies to enhance your movement-building and leadership capacity
Group coaching with me involves:
- Six to eight participants
- Six to eight sessions of about 90-120 minutes
- Participants are paired with an accountability partner
- Follow-up reflections, resources and tools for ongoing integration and application between each session
- Potential additional structures based on context and need
Book a Discovery Call today
A note on pricing
Please inquire for cost. I operate on a sliding scale fee structure. Also, at least 10% of every one-one coaching client and group coaching series goes to my dear lifelong friend’s organization Every Black Girl, Inc. a grassroots community-based advocacy and service organization focused on prevention, intervention, and creation for a world where every Black girl Thrives.